    From £65.95
    • Contains finasteride
    • Reduces amount of hair lost
    • Encourages new growth
    From £15.98
    • Reduces hair loss
    • Can produce new hair regrowth
    • Long term treatment
    Hair Loss
    Updated at: August 13, 202423 min read

    How To Stop Hair Loss: A Guide To Saving Your Hair

    What is hair loss?

    Hair loss is a broad term that is used to refer to a person losing hair from different parts of their body, most commonly the scalp. Hair loss can be permanent or temporary and can be caused by a number of different conditions and factors. Typically, hair loss is caused by genetics, hormones, medical conditions and some medications. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to saving your hair if you are experiencing hair loss.

    Google Web Story: How To Stop Hair Loss

    UK Meds have created a Google Web Story to summarise how to stop hair loss with some simple tips. Check it out below:

    Can hair loss be stopped?

    The underlying cause of someone's hair loss will be a factor in whether or not it can be stopped. Some causes of hair loss, such as genetics or age, may be difficult to stop. Despite this, there are a number of treatments that are available that can slow down the rate of hair loss. 

    Can hair loss be reversed?

    Again, the cause of hair loss will be a factor in whether or not it can be reversed. Treatment options can help to slow down hair loss, and in some cases, reverse it. 

    Is hair loss between men and women different?

    Yes, hair loss can differ between men and women. Both men and women can experience hair loss and the causes of hair loss can be similar however, the characteristics of hair loss can differ between men and women. 

    What is male pattern baldness?

    Male pattern baldness is one of the most common causes of hair loss for men. It is often characterised by progressive, predictable patterns of hair loss that begin with a receding hairline and thinning hair on the crown of the head.

    Is male pattern baldness the same as androgenic alopecia?

    Yes, androgenic alopecia and male pattern baldness are generally the same conditions. Androgenic alopecia is a type of hair loss that is caused by genetic and hormonal factors that are characterised by a pattern of hair loss, which is similar to male pattern baldness symptoms.

    How does male pattern baldness occur?

    Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition. It occurs when hair follicles shrink over time which leads to thinner, shorter and finer hair. This is caused by a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that binds itself to hair follicles and causes them to shrink. 

    Why is your hair falling out?

    Can male hair loss be caused by genetics?

    Yes. Male hair loss is primarily caused by genetics. A lot of the conditions that cause male hair loss are inherited from family members. The gene of male hair loss is located on the X chromosome which is inherited from their mother (fathers give the Y chromosomes to their sons). 

    Can female hair loss be caused by genetics?

    Yes, female hair loss can be caused by genetic factors - unlike a son, a daughter will inherit an X chromosome from both her mother and father.

    Can male hair loss be caused by extreme stress?

    Yes, extreme stress can be a contributing factor for male hair loss. When the body experiences stress it can release a hormone called cortisol. This can interfere with hair growth and lead to hair shedding or thinning. 

    Can male hair loss be caused by skin disorders?

    Yes. Male hair loss can also be caused by skin disorders, particularly those that affect the scalp. Some conditions, such as psoriasis, can cause inflammation and scarring that can lead to hair loss.

    Can male hair loss be caused by illness?

    Yes, certain illnesses can contribute to hair loss because of the illness itself or the medications used to help treat the illness. Some thyroid disorders, autoimmune disorders, nutritional deficiencies and certain cancer treatments can all contribute towards hair loss. 

    Can male hair loss be caused by taking certain medications?

    Yes. Certain medications can cause hair loss in men, Some chemotherapy medications, antidepressants, beta blockers and anabolic steroids can affect the quality and strength of hair. 

    Can male hair loss be caused by hormone imbalances?

    Yes. Hormone imbalances can also affect hair loss in men. This specifically occurs when there is an excess of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is one of the biggest causes of male pattern baldness.

    Can anaesthesia cause hair loss?

    Unfortunately, there is not a great amount of research that can link anaesthesia and hair loss. Anaesthetic is typically administered to prevent pain and discomfort during procedures such as surgery or dental work. It should be noted however that stress can cause temporary hair loss. It is possible that stress felt around a medical procedure could influence temporary hair loss. When someone is having to go through a rigorous medical procedure which involves anaesthesia it is likely that any hair loss experienced is caused by stress, as opposed to the anaesthetic itself. 

    What hair loss solutions for men are available?

    Thankfully, there are several hair loss solutions for men that are available to purchase. You can purchase male hair loss solutions online from UK Meds including well-known medications such as Finasteride and Regaine (Minoxidil).


    What is Finasteride?

    Finasteride is a medication that is approved for the treatment of male pattern baldness. Finasteride works by inhibiting the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). By inhibiting this hormone finasteride can help to slow or reverse hair loss for some men. 

    Is Finasteride effective at treating hair loss in men?

    Yes, finasteride is an effective medication for treating hair loss in men, specifically male pattern baldness. Clinical studies have shown that finasteride can increase hair growth, slow hair loss, and improve hair density in men.

    What side effects can Finasteride have?

    Like with all other medications, finasteride can have some side effects. There are some that are more common and others that are less common. The most common side effects of finasteride include:

    • Erectile dysfunction

    • Reduced sex drive

    • Allergic reactions

    • Depression and anxiety


    What is Minoxidil?

    Minoxidil is a medication that is also used to help treat hair loss. Originally, minoxidil was used for high blood pressure, however, it was later discovered to be beneficial for hair growth and preventing further hair loss. 

    Is Minoxidil effective at treating hair loss in men?

    Yes, minoxidil is an effective medication for treating hair loss in men. Clinical studies have shown that minoxidil can help to increase hair growth, as well as slowing hair loss. 

    What side effects can Minoxidil have?

    As with all other medications, minoxidil can have some potential side effects. Some of the most common side effects include:

    • Scalp irritation

    • Dizziness

    • Chest pain

    • Allergic reactions

    What hair loss solutions for women are there?

    Hair loss does not only affect men. There are also a number of hair loss solutions that can help women when they are suffering from hair loss.

    Is Finasteride suitable for hair loss in women?

    Typically, finasteride is not typically recommended to be used by women that are struggling with hair loss. Finasteride is typically used by men suffering from male pattern baldness. 

    Is Minoxidil suitable for hair loss in women?

    Yes, minoxidil has been approved as a hair loss treatment for women. Minoxidil works by increasing blood flow to hair follicles and prolongs the growth phase of the hair cycle. 

    How long does hair take to grow back?

    The amount of time it takes for hair to grow back when someone is suffering from hair loss will vary depending on a number of factors including the underlying cause of hair loss and the treatment methods someone may be using.

    Will I see results in the first month of using Finasteride?

    It is unlikely that you will see significant results after using finasteride for a month. It is important to stick with finasteride as a lack of results after just a month is completely normal.

    Will I see results in the first month of using Minoxidil?

    It is possible that you may see some initial results after a month of using minoxidil. However, the results you will see after a month of usage will not be relative to the overall results you can expect to see. 

    Will hair loss slow down after 3 months of using Finasteride?

    You may begin to notice that hair loss has slowed down after three months of using finasteride. This is common, however, some people may notice more or less of an improvement as they can vary between individuals. 

    Will hair loss slow down after 3 months of using Minoxidil?

    After the initial results you may see after a month of minoxidil use you should notice that your hair loss has slowed after three months of use. However, this will vary from person to person.

    Will I see new hair growth after 6 months of using Finasteride?

    Yes, it is possible that you will be able to see new hair growth after six months of using finasteride. 

    Will I see new hair growth after 6 months of using Minoxidil?

    Some people may experience new hair growth within six months of using minoxidil, whereas others may not notice this until much later. 

    Is 12 months enough time to determine whether Finasteride has been effective?

    The effectiveness of finasteride can vary from person to person and it is important that you remember this when judging whether or not it has been effective or not. Studies suggest that the peak benefits of finasteride are seen after 12 months of continuous use.

    Is 12 months enough time to determine whether Minoxidil has been effective?

    Judging minoxidil results is tricky as they can vary from person to person. After a year of continuous use, you may be able to judge its effectiveness as you should be seeing peak results. 

    How soon will I lose hair that has grown back when I stop Finasteride treatment?

    In most cases, hair loss does not occur immediately after you stop using finasteride. It may take several months for noticeable hair loss to occur. Finasteride does not cure hair loss, it rather slows the rate of hair loss and promotes healthy hair growth. 

    How soon will I lose hair that has grown back when I stop Minoxidil treatment?

    Minoxidil is not a cure for hair loss. If you stop using minoxidil you may notice an increase in hair shedding after a few months. This is a normal part of the hair growth cycle called minoxidil shedding. It occurs because Minoxidil promotes the growth of new hair follicles, which push out older, dormant hairs. When you stop using Minoxidil, these older hairs may fall out, making it seem like you are losing more hair than usual.

    How To Stop Hair Loss

    Can hair loss be stopped naturally?

    Whilst there are a number of different home remedies, there are only a few methods that can actually help to combat hair loss. 

    What medical treatments can help to stop hair loss?

    There are a few medical treatments that can be used to help people, both men and women, suffering from hair loss. The most popular medications for hair loss are finasteride and minoxidil.

    Is a hair transplant an effective way to prevent hair loss?

    A hair transplant is not necessarily a good way to prevent hair loss. However, a hair transplant is a very good way to restore hair in areas where it has been lost. 

    Can UV light therapy help to stop hair loss?

    UV light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is used to treat a number of different conditions. Some studies suggest that UV light therapy may have potential benefits for hair growth, however, research is limited. 

    Can steroid creams help to stop hair loss?

    Some steroid creams are used to help with certain hair loss related conditions such as alopecia. These creams can help to reduce inflammation and promote hair growth in affected areas.

    Can steroid injections help to stop hair loss?

    Steroid injections are sometimes used to help treat hair loss conditions including alopecia. These injections help to reduce inflammation and promote hair growth. 

    Can scalp reduction/alopecia reduction surgery stop hair loss?

    Scalp reduction, also known as alopecia reduction surgery, is a surgical procedure that involves removing bald areas of the scalp. Whilst this procedure can help hair to appear thicker, it cannot help to stop hair loss.

    Are hair loss vitamins an effective treatment for hair loss?

    Whilst there are some vitamins that can help to treat hair loss, whether or not certain vitamins will help will depend on the underlying cause of the sufferer's hair loss. 

    Does collagen promote hair growth? 

    Yes, there is evidence to suggest that collagen peptides, also known as CP, can help to promote hair growth. Two separate studies conducted tests to see whether collagen taken from different sources  would have an effect on hair growth. The conclusion of these tests found that collagen may be a viable treatment option to help promote healthy hair growth in humans (Hwang et al, 2022).  

    Can Biotin supplements stop hair loss?

    Biotin is a vitamin that is important for the growth and maintenance of hair and skin. Some studies suggest that using a biotin supplement can improve the thickness of hair and can help to reduce hair shedding.

    Can Zinc supplements stop hair loss?

    Zinc is an essential mineral that is important for a variety of bodily functions including the immune system and wound healing. Zinc can also play a role in the synthesis of keratin, a protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. 

    Can Vitamin C supplements stop hair loss?

    While there is limited scientific evidence to suggest that vitamin C supplements may help stop hair loss, it is important for overall health and can support healthy hair growth.

    Can supplements promote hair growth after surgery?

    Some people may experience an increase in hair loss after they have had surgery. A study conducted by Glynis, A.(2012) found that the daily administration of a nutritional supplement promoted significant hair growth after around 90 to 180 days. This was the first time that there was evidence of a nutritional supplement helping with hair growth after the patient has had surgery. 

    Links Between Your Diet, Lifestyle and Hair Loss

    Can an iron deficiency cause hair loss?

    Yes, an iron deficiency can be a factor towards hair loss. Iron is an essential mineral that is necessary for the production of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body's tissues, including the hair follicles. Without enough iron, the hair follicles can become weak and the hair can become brittle, dry, and prone to breakage. Foods that are rich in iron include red meat, poultry, seafood and beans/lentils.

    Can a Vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

    There is some evidence to suggest that a vitamin D deficiency can contribute to hair loss. Research has shown that vitamin D receptors are present in hair follicles, and that vitamin D may play a role in the hair growth cycle. To get more vitamin D in your body you can eat fatty fish such as tuna and salmon, cheese, egg yolks and mushrooms.

    Can a lack of protein in your diet cause hair loss?

    Yes, a lack of protein in your diet can cause hair loss. Hair is primarily made up of a protein called keratin, so getting sufficient protein in your diet is important for healthy hair growth. Foods that are rich in protein include meat such as beef and chicken, fish, eggs and dairy products.

    Can a lack of omega-3 in your diet cause hair loss?

    There is some evidence to suggest that a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet may contribute to hair loss. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are important for many functions in the body, including maintaining healthy hair and skin. Foods rich in omega 3 include fish, nuts and seeds, plant oils and leafy vegetables. 

    Can becoming more active stop hair loss?

    Becoming more physically active may not directly stop hair loss, but it can indirectly help promote healthy hair growth. Exercise can improve overall blood flow and circulation throughout the body, including to the scalp. This increased blood flow can help to nourish hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth.

    Links Between Hair Styling Tools and Hair Loss

    Can avoiding bleaching your hair prevent hair loss?

    Yes. Avoiding bleaching your hair may help to prevent hair damage and breakage, which can contribute to hair loss. Bleaching can weaken the hair shaft and make it more prone to breaking or falling out.

    Can avoiding tight hairstyles prevent hair loss?

    Yes. Avoiding tight hairstyles may help to prevent hair loss, particularly in individuals with textured hair, as tight hairstyles can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss that occurs when hair is pulled tightly for an extended period, which can damage hair follicles and lead to hair loss.

    Can using softer brushes to comb your hair prevent hair loss?

    Yes. Using softer brushes or combs may help to prevent hair loss by reducing the amount of tension and pulling on the hair. Harsh brushing or combing can cause damage to the hair shaft and lead to breakage or hair loss over time.

    Can using milder shampoos prevent hair loss?

    Yes. Using milder shampoos may help to prevent hair loss by reducing the risk of scalp irritation or damage to the hair follicles. Harsh shampoos can strip the hair and scalp of their natural oils, which can cause dryness, irritation, and inflammation. This, in turn, can damage hair follicles and contribute to hair loss.

    Can avoiding overwashing your hair prevent hair loss?

    Yes. Avoiding over-washing your hair may help to prevent hair loss by preserving the natural oils that protect and nourish your hair and scalp. Over-washing can strip the hair and scalp of these oils, leaving them dry and prone to damage, which can contribute to hair loss.

    Postpartum Hair Loss

    Can hair loss occur after pregnancy?

    Yes, it is possible that women may experience some temporary hair loss after they have given birth. This condition is known as postpartum telogen effluvium or PPTE. Telogen effluvium refers to a type of hair loss also known as excessive shedding where someone will lose more than the regular 100 hairs someone loses in a day. Studies have been conducted to try and understand why postpartum telogen effluvium occurs (Thom, E. 2016), and how it can be best treated.

    How long does postpartum hair loss last?

    Postpartum hair loss is a common condition that affects women after they have given birth. After a woman has given birth, hormonal fluctuations can cause hair follicles to enter the resting phase, which can lead to an increase in hair loss. The duration of postpartum hair loss can vary from person to person, according to Piérard-Franchimont & Piérard (2013), postpartum hair loss can last for around 6 to 24 weeks, and rarely lasts any longer than 15 months.

    When does postpartum hair loss start?

    It is hard to say when people will start to notice postpartum hair loss if they experience it at all. Most women will experience hair loss soon after giving birth. It may appear minor to start with and could worsen after a few weeks, however, it is important to note that postpartum hair loss will vary from person to person.

    When does postpartum hair loss stop?

    Many women will be concerned that postpartum hair loss seems to continue for long periods of time. It is important to note that postpartum hair loss will affect different women in different ways. Usually, postpartum hair loss stops around three to six months after giving birth. In some cases, the condition may last longer than this, however, it is very rare for postpartum hair loss to last any longer than 15 months. 

    How to prevent postpartum hair loss?

    New mothers have enough to worry about without having to think about postpartum hair loss, so many will research different ways that they can prevent the condition from affecting them. Glamour Magazine UK have some useful tips to follow to prevent postpartum hair loss, including:

    • Use of a prenatal vitamin supplements

    • Avoiding hair dryers, straighteners, hair extensions and curling irons

    • Being gentle with your hair and avoid strenuous styles

    • Introducing a collagen supplement to your diet

    • Using a multivitamin

    • Eating a variety of proteins, fruits and vegetables

    • Using good quality shampoo and conditioner

    • Remaining calm and not panicking if you notice postpartum hair loss


    Can menopause cause hair loss?

    Menopause typically occurs in women over the age of 45, however, it could start earlier or later. Usually, menopause lasts for around seven years, however, it could last for up to 15 years. Some menopausal women may feel that they are experiencing hair loss they may think is linked to menopause. A study published in 2013 claimed that there may potentially be a link towards menopause and hair loss management, however, it did not conclusively prove that menopause causes hair loss.

    Coping With Hair Loss

    How can I cope with hair loss?

    Coping with hair loss can be challenging. When you are struggling with your hair it can have a massive impact on your mental health and can lead to depression and anxiety.

    Are there hair loss support groups available to me?

    Yes, there are many hair loss support groups available to individuals experiencing hair loss. These groups can provide a safe and supportive space to connect with others who are going through similar experiences, share resources and information, and find emotional support. You can find a local support group for sufferers with alopecia here.

    Can counselling help in coping with hair loss?

    Yes, counselling can be helpful in coping with hair loss. Hair loss can be a difficult and emotional experience, and counselling can provide a safe and supportive space to explore and process these feelings. You can get free therapy or counselling if you are suffering with stress, anxiety or depression from the NHS.

    What solutions can help to disguise hair loss?

    There are a number of solutions that can help to disguise hair loss, including:

    • Certain hairstyles

    • Hairpieces and wigs

    • Scalp micropigmentation

    • Hair transplants

    Some of these methods, such as wigs, are not as permanent as others such as transplants.

    Do miracle cures for hair loss exist?

    There are no miracle cures for hair loss. While there are many products and treatments marketed as "miracle cures," there is no one-size-fits-all solution to hair loss. The effectiveness of any treatment will depend on the underlying cause of hair loss and the individual's unique biology and health. Speak to a healthcare professional to determine the best course of treatment for your individual case of hair loss.

    Scalp Care

    Why is scalp care important?

    Scalp care is an essential part of hair care as it determines overall hair health and prevents scalp and hair diseases (Nayak et al, 2017).

    Can neglecting your scalp have a negative impact on your hair?

    Yes. According to Trüeb et al (2018), unhealthy scalps can cause oxidative stress on preemergent hair, possibly because of the surrounding incubatory environment (specifically the metabolic activity of resident microbes).

    What are the signs of poor scalp health?

    Signs of poor scalp health can include symptoms such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis (Trüeb et al, 2018), dry hair, rough hair, oily hair, hair with split ends (Nayak et al, 2017).

    What are the benefits of scalp care?

    The Academy Of Beauty Professionals suggests 5 key benefits of scalp care. These include:

    • Stimulating blood flow to your hair follicles (when exfoliating and receiving scalp massages)

    • Getting rid of dandruff (by exfoliating)

    • Preventing thinning of hair and hair loss

    • Unclogging hair follicles

    • Helping you to relax

    How often should you do a scalp cleanse/scrub?

    According to hair care experts, Pantene, how often you should wash your scalp can vary depending on your hair type, though most experts recommend washing your hair every two to three days. This view is backed by Punyani et al (2021) who studied the impact of shampoo wash frequency on scalp and hair conditions and concluded that increased wash frequency is beneficial to scalp condition.

    How to cleanse your scalp?

    The NHS have put together a helpful guide for good hair care which covers:

    • Using your fingertips to wash and condition your hair to avoid damage

    • Avoiding scalp massages when washing your hair to avoid pulling it

    • Using a conditioner everytime you wash your hair to protect it

    • Using a gentle shampoo to retain moisture in your hair

    • Avoiding tight hair styles

    • Avoiding bristle brushes and backcombing

    • Avoiding twiddling hair

    • Letting hair dry naturally

    • Using the lowest heat settings on a hair dryer

    • Limiting the use of hair straighteners and/or curling tongs

    • Limiting your hair's exposure to sunlight (UV rays)

    • Avoiding high water temperatures in the shower

    • Avoiding hot oil hair treatments

    • Avoiding smoking

    • Eating a healthy diet

    What are popular scalp care ingredients?

    According to UK based natural beauty cosmetics brand, Lush, there are a wide range of natural hair care ingredients that can improve your hair condition in a safe way. These are summarised in the table below for you:

    Natural Hair Care Ingredients & Their Benefits

    Agar agar gelLeaves hair incredibly soft, coats strands without weighing hair down, retains bounce and volume.
    Almond milkMoisturises hair, adds shine and softness, strengthens strands, protects against breakage and hair fall.
    AquafabaProtects and strengthens fine hair, replacement for eggs, adds consistency to hair treatments.
    Argan oilRich in nutrients, maintains healthy scalp, stimulates hair growth, moisturises, adds shine and controls flyaways.
    Avocado butterRich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, protects strands from damage, delivers nutrients, seals cuticles, adds moisture and shine.
    BananasStrengthens hair, improves elasticity, prevents breakage, used in H'suan Wen Hua for conditioning.
    BeeswaxLocks in moisture, soothes scalp, stimulates hair growth, protects from damage, found in Fairly Traded Honey shampoo.
    Cade oilSoothes and balances scalp, antiseptic and antimicrobial, found in Soak And Float shampoo bar.
    Cinnamon Leaf OilStimulates blood flow, adds volume and shine, found in New shampoo bar.
    Cocoa butterDeeply moisturises, leaves hair smooth and sleek, found in Angel Hair shampoo bar.
    Ethyl MacadamiateProtects hair from heat and humidity, softening, used in Glory conditioner.
    Extra virgin olive oilStrengthens hair, adds sleekness, improves shine, locks in moisture, found in Super Milk conditioning spray.
    Green olivesRich in vitamin E, fatty acids, and antioxidants, improves tensile strength, moisturises, protects against damage, used in Montalbano shampoo bar.
    HennaCan be used as a natural dye, adds shine, body, and natural highlights, found in Jasmine And Henna pre-wash treatment.
    HoneyLocks in moisture, cleanses, calms, sourced from wild bees, found in Honey I Washed My Hair shampoo bar.
    Irish mossStrengthens hair, adds shine, forms a gel for luxurious texture, used in Seanik solid shampoo bar.
    Jojoba oilProtects hair, speeds up growth, adds shine, moisturises, used in Retread restorative conditioner.
    Kiwi juiceCleanses excess oil, strengthens roots, adds shine, supports nutrient absorption, repairs damaged follicles, used in Rehab shampoo.
    LavenderBalances sebum production, increases blood flow to the scalp, promotes healthy hair growth, calms the mind, reduces anxiety, and promotes sleep. Found in Veganese conditioner.
    LemonRich in vitamin C, natural cleanser, removes excess oil, encourages hair cuticles to flatten for shine, natural lightener for fair hair. Used in Big shampoo.
    Linseed gelProtective, moisturising, rich in vitamins and minerals, strengthens hair, adds glossiness. Found in Curl Power products.
    Mango juiceCleanses scalp and hair, improves shine, uplifting scent, stimulates hair growth, used in Rehab shampoo.
    Neroli oilTones and calms scalp, mood-boosting fragrance, used in Sea Spray hair mist.
    NettleBalancing effect on scalp, encourages new hair growth, reduces hair loss, boosts blood flow, used in New shampoo bar.
    Oat milkRich in vitamins A, B, and E, strengthens and moisturises hair, forms a protective film, beneficial for afro hair, found in Revive moisturiser.
    Peppermint oilBoosts circulation, stimulates hair follicles, regulates scalp's oil production, retains hair within scalp, used in Roots treatment.
    Pineapple juiceDeeply cleanses and refreshes scalp, adds shine, used in Rehab shampoo.
    Rose oilBalance and soothes scalp, delicate fragrance, used in Valkyrie conditioner.
    Rosemary infusionDeeply cleanses skin, improves scalp circulation, aids relaxation, used in Jumping Juniper shampoo.
    Saffron infusionEnhances lighter notes in blonde or grey hair, found in Marilyn pre-wash treatment for brighter locks.
    Sea saltCreates beachy waves, adds minerals and nutrients, softens hair, promotes volume and bounce, found in Wasabi Shan Kui shampoo.
    Silken tofuHigh protein content, moisturising, improves hair condition, supports effects of hair treatment like H'suan Wen Hua.
    Soya lecithinSoftens hair, encourages absorption of other ingredients, antistatic, found in The Golden Cap solid conditioner.
    Sweet orange oilRevitalises hair, uplifting fragrance, enzymic cleansing effects on scalp, found in Honey I Washed My Hair shampoo bar.
    Toothed wrack seaweedForms protective barrier, retains moisture, hydrates hair without weighing it down, found in Big solid conditioner.
    Vetivert oilGrounding essential oil, revives scalp, encourages cell regeneration, found in Big solid conditioner.
    Violet leaf absoluteSweet, grassy-green perfume, antiseptic qualities, refreshes scalp, found in Retread conditioner.
    Wheatgerm oilRich in linoleic acid, retains moisture, anti-inflammatory vitamin E soothes scalp, adds body, shine, and strength, found in Jasmine And Henna hair treatment.
    Ylang ylangProvides a rich, sensual perfume to hair, balances skin and scalp, stimulates and tones hair.

    Do UK Meds offer hair care and scalp care treatments?

    Yes! There are a wide range of prescription and over the counter treatments for hair care and scalp care available online at UK Meds. These include:

    Treatment for scalp conditions such as:

    Prescription treatments such as:

    Over the counter treatments such as:

    Medically Reviewed by:
    Dr. Alexis Missick MBChB. MRCGP
    GMC reference no: 7151419


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