    From £9.22
    • Controls allergic reactions
    • Offers relief from symptoms
    • Effective hay fever treatment
    From £10.24
    • Antihistamine medication to treat hay fever
    • Relieves runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing
    • Offers effective relief
    From £23.57
    • Effective treatment for hay fever
    • Nasal spray to relieve blocked or runny nose
    • Works in as little as 8 hours
    Hay Fever
    Updated at: August 13, 202411 min read

    Surviving Hay Fever: A Guide To How To Stop Hay Fever

    Hay fever leaves countless individuals grappling with relentless sneezing, itchy eyes, and a general sense of discomfort. If you find yourself locked in a battle with pollen, fear not, for this comprehensive guide aims to equip you with effective strategies to combat hay fever and minimise its impact on your daily life. In this article, we will delve into the realm of allergy medications, exploring the different options available to provide you with much-needed relief. Additionally, we will uncover various self-treatment techniques, ranging from simple home remedies to lifestyle adjustments, allowing you to take control of your hay fever symptoms.

    Key Takeaways

    Effective Hay Fever Medications:

    • Hay fever and allergy medications, such as antihistamine tablets, nasal sprays, and eye drops, are effective at managing symptoms like sneezing, itching, congestion, and runny nose. In severe cases, hay fever injections can be used to desensitise the immune system to allergens.

    Self-Treatment Techniques:

    • Simple actions like using Vaseline around your nostrils, wearing wraparound sunglasses, showering after being outdoors, and changing your clothes can help alleviate hay fever symptoms. Additionally, regular vacuuming with HEPA filters and using pollen filters in your car can reduce allergen exposure.

    Natural Approaches and Lifestyle Adjustments:

    • Staying indoors during peak pollen times, keeping windows and doors shut, avoiding gardening, and spending time near the beach can help reduce hay fever symptoms. Other helpful practices include eating spicy food for temporary relief and avoiding alcohol to minimize histamine levels.

    Man suffering from hay fever in a field

    Google Web Story: How To Stop Hay Fever

    Check out our Google Web Story which visually explains some simple tips for hay fever sufferers to tackle peak pollen season in the UK:

    Podcast: How's your hay fever? - BBC Inside Health

    In the podcast featured below BBC Inside Health provide a complete guide to hay fever exploring the origins of the allergy and how to avoid symptoms of hay fever.

    Are hay fever and allergy medications effective at stopping hay fever?

    Hay fever and allergy medications can be highly effective in managing and reducing the symptoms of hay fever (Mayo Clinic, 2022). These medications work by targeting the underlying allergic response and alleviating symptoms such as sneezing, itching, congestion, and runny nose.

    Podcast: Hay Fever Treatments - BBC Sliced Bread

    BBC Sliced Bread have recorded a podcast, in conjunction with Allergy UK, investigating the hay fever treatments that claim to help.

    Podcast: The science of hay fever, with Sam White

    What causes hay fever? Is hay fever generic? Is hay fever experienced around the world? In the below podcast by Instant Genius, they answer these common questions about hay fever and many more.

    How does a hay fever injection stop hay fever symptoms?

    A hay fever injection, also known as allergen immunotherapy or allergy shots, is a treatment option for individuals with severe or persistent hay fever symptoms that are not adequately controlled by other medications (Inomata et al, 2022). The injection aims to desensitise the immune system to specific allergens, such as pollen, by gradually exposing the body to increasing amounts of the allergen over time (IQWiG, 2020).

    Video: Medical professional explaining the benefits of a hay fever injection

    A practitioner from Regents Park Aesthetics explains the benefits of a hay fever injection in the video below:

    Video: Hay fever injection experiences

    Below are some user experiences of hay fever injections.

    It's important to remember that user experiences are unique for each individual and that your experience may be different to someone else. Always consult with you doctor prior to starting a new medication.

    Do I need a doctor's approval to get a hay fever injection?

    Yes, in the UK, you typically need a doctor's approval to receive a hay fever injection or allergen immunotherapy (NHS, 2021). Allergen immunotherapy is considered a specialised treatment and is usually administered by allergy specialists or immunologists who have expertise in managing allergies. The hay fever injection in the UK is only typically given to those who suffer from severe symptoms. 

    How do antihistamine tablets stop hay fever?

    Antihistamine tablets are a common medication used to relieve hay fever symptoms. They work by blocking the effects of histamine, a chemical that is released by the immune system during an allergic reaction (NHS, 2023). 

    Hay Fever Tablets

    How do allergy nasal sprays stop hay fever?

    Allergy nasal sprays, also known as intranasal corticosteroids, are a type of medication used to alleviate hay fever symptoms. These nasal sprays contain corticosteroids, which are anti-inflammatory medications that work locally in the nasal passages (NHS, 2023).

    How do allergy eye drops stop hay fever?

    Allergy eye drops are a type of medication used to relieve symptoms associated with hay fever, specifically eye-related symptoms such as itching, redness, watering, and swelling. These eye drops contain specific active ingredients that help alleviate allergic reactions in the eyes (NHS, 2022).

    Can you stop hay fever yourself?

    While hay fever is an allergic reaction to airborne particles like pollen, there are several measures you can take to alleviate symptoms and minimise its impact on your daily life. Here are some common methods people use to treat their hay fever.

    Video: Top tips for hay fever sufferers

    AO have put together a helpful short video to provide practical tips to help prevent experiencing hay fever symptoms:

    Can using Vaseline stop hay fever symptoms?

    Yes, using Vaseline (petroleum jelly) around your nostrils to trap pollen can ease symptoms (NHS, 2021).

    Can wearing wraparound sunglasses stop hay fever symptoms?

    Yes, wearing wraparound sunglasses may provide some relief for hay fever symptoms related to the eyes. They can help by creating a barrier that reduces the exposure of your eyes to pollen and other allergens present in the environment (NHS, 2021).

    Can showering after being outdoors stop hay fever symptoms?

    Showering after being outdoors can be a helpful step in managing hay fever symptoms (NHS Inform, 2023). Showering can help remove allergens and provide a refreshing effect after being outdoors, however, it is not a surefire solution to hay fever.

    Man with shower robe on after showering to clear his hay fever

    Can changing your clothes stop hay fever symptoms?

    Changing your clothes can help reduce the amount of allergens, such as pollen, that may be present on your clothing and contribute to hay fever symptoms (Good Housekeeping, 2023).

    Can regularly vacuuming stop hay fever symptoms?

    Regular vacuuming can help reduce hay fever symptoms by removing allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, and pet hair, from your indoor environment (Achooallery.Com, 2024). Regularly cleaning and vacuuming will help to alleviate some hay fever symptoms.

    Lady vacuuming to reduce chances of experiencing hay fever

    Can having a vacuum with HEPA filters stop hay fever symptoms?

    Having a vacuum cleaner with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters can be beneficial in reducing hay fever symptoms (WebMD, 2022). HEPA filters are designed to capture and trap microscopic particles, including common allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet hair, and mould spores.

    Can using a pollen filter for air vents in your car stop hay fever symptoms when driving?

    Using a pollen filter for the air vents in your car can be helpful in reducing hay fever symptoms while driving (Mr Tyre, 2024). A pollen filter, also known as a cabin air filter, is designed to trap and filter out various airborne particles, including pollen, dust, and other allergens. By installing a pollen filter in your car's air conditioning system, it can help reduce the amount of pollen entering the vehicle.

    Can drying clothes inside stop hay fever symptoms?

    Drying clothes inside can help reduce hay fever symptoms to some extent by minimising exposure to outdoor allergens like pollen (Good Housekeeping, 2023). When you dry your clothes outdoors, they can collect pollen particles from the environment. Bringing these clothes indoors can introduce pollen into your living space, potentially triggering or worsening hay fever symptoms. 

    Man using a tumble dryer indoors to reduce chances of experiencing Hay Fever

    Can rinsing your hair regularly stop hay fever symptoms?

    Rinsing your hair regularly can help reduce hay fever symptoms to some extent by removing potential allergens, such as pollen, that may have settled on your hair. Pollen particles can easily stick to your hair when you spend time outdoors during hay fever season. Rinsing your hair regularly helps to wash away these allergens, reducing the amount of pollen that may come into contact with your face, eyes, and skin (Push Doctor, 2024).

    Can keeping your pets clean stop hay fever symptoms?

    Keeping your pets clean can help reduce hay fever symptoms to some extent, especially if you are specifically allergic to pet hair. Pet hair is a common allergen that can trigger hay fever symptoms in some individuals (A. Vogel, 2024).

    Couple cleaning their pets to reduce the chances of experiencing hay fever

    Can you stop hay fever naturally?

    While there is no guaranteed natural cure for hay fever, there are several natural approaches that may help alleviate symptoms and improve your overall comfort. Here are some frequently asked questions by those who are trying to combat their hay fever symptoms:

    Can staying indoors stop hay fever symptoms?

    Staying indoors can help reduce hay fever symptoms by minimising your exposure to outdoor allergens, such as pollen. Pollen is a common trigger for hay fever symptoms. By staying indoors, particularly during peak pollen times, you can limit your exposure to airborne pollen particles (Livi, 2022).

    Can keeping windows and doors shut stop hay fever symptoms?

    Keeping windows and doors shut can help reduce hay fever symptoms by limiting the entry of outdoor allergens into your living space. By keeping windows and doors shut, you create a barrier that prevents or minimises the entry of pollen into your home (House Beautiful, 2021). 

    Can avoiding gardening stop hay fever symptoms?

    Avoiding gardening can help reduce hay fever symptoms, especially if you are sensitive to pollen and other outdoor allergens commonly found in gardens. Gardening activities, such as mowing the lawn, pruning plants, or digging in the soil, can stir up pollen and other allergens present in the garden (, 2020). 

    Can being near the beach stop hay fever symptoms?

    Being near the beach can potentially provide relief from hay fever symptoms for some individuals, but it may not completely stop the symptoms (Allergy Clinic London, 2018). Coastal environments can have certain factors that might alleviate hay fever symptoms such as reduced pollen count, high humidity and sea breezes.

    Group of friends on the beach

    Can eating spicy food stop hay fever symptoms?

    Eating spicy food cannot directly stop hay fever symptoms (Everyday Health, 2017). While consuming spicy food may cause temporary nasal congestion or a runny nose due to the release of histamines, it does not address the underlying cause of hay fever or provide long-term relief.

    Man and woman eating spicy food together

    Can avoiding alcohol stop hay fever symptoms?

    Yes. Avoiding alcohol, particularly certain types of alcoholic beverages, may help alleviate or reduce hay fever symptoms for some individuals. Consuming alcohol can potentially exacerbate hay fever symptoms by adding to the overall histamine load in the body (NHS Forum Health Centre, 2024). 

    Which antihistamine tablets are available to buy online at UK Meds?

    You can purchase a wide variety of different antihistamine tablets from UK Meds. Our range includes:

    Which allergy nasal sprays are available to buy online at UK Meds?

    You can purchase a number of different nasal sprays online from UK Our full range of nasal sprays includes:

    Which allergy eye drops are available to buy online at UK Meds?

    You can purchase a variety of different hay fever eye drops online from UK Meds including:

    Can you get hay fever treatments on subscription?

    Yes, you can get a number of different hay fever medications and treatments on a subscription basis from UK Meds. Getting the products you need on a subscription basis can help to save you time and money, whilst also getting the medications you need, when you need them. The hay fever products you can get on a subscription from UK Meds are:


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    From £9.22
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    • Offers relief from symptoms
    • Effective hay fever treatment
    From £10.24
    • Antihistamine medication to treat hay fever
    • Relieves runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing
    • Offers effective relief
    From £23.57
    • Effective treatment for hay fever
    • Nasal spray to relieve blocked or runny nose
    • Works in as little as 8 hours

    Related Products

    From £9.22
    • Controls allergic reactions
    • Offers relief from symptoms
    • Effective hay fever treatment
    From £10.24
    • Antihistamine medication to treat hay fever
    • Relieves runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing
    • Offers effective relief
    From £23.57
    • Effective treatment for hay fever
    • Nasal spray to relieve blocked or runny nose
    • Works in as little as 8 hours

    Blog author

    Scott Weaver

    Scott is an experienced and professional content writer who works exclusively for UK Meds.

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