

Images for illustrative purposes only

Sumatriptan is prescribed for acute migraine headaches in adults. It is not used to prevent migraine headaches and is not to be used for the relief of cluster headaches. It belongs to the group of medicines called triptan.

This medication is not licensed or appropriate for use in patients aged 65 and over. The branded form of the medication is Imigran, which is also available at UK Meds.

  • Effective for migraine with or without aura
  • Decreases need for additional painkillers
  • Reduces symptoms like nausea or sensitivity to light
  • Genuine medication
  • All drugs sourced in the UK
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A Doctor's Overview

GP and surgeon, Dr Shane Charles (MBBS, MRCS, PgDip SEM) provides a simple explanation of the medication below:

'Sumatriptan is a medication used for the management of migraine headaches that works by reducing levels of pain signals released from the brain. '.

If you think Sumatriptan is a treatment that can help you, start an online consultation now for a registered prescriber to review. If treatment is deemed suitable, they can prescribe it, and we can deliver it to you from the comfort of your own home with a range of convenient delivery and payment options for you to choose from. If you have any questions about a medication, you should always consult your doctor with any questions prior to starting treatment, to ensure that it is safe and suitable for you.

Buying Sumatriptan Online in the UK

Sumatriptan Over the Counter

Sumatriptan is available on prescription. You can also buy packs of two 50mg tablets from a pharmacy without a prescription, but only if you have been previously diagnosed with migraines.

You can safely buy Sumatriptan online at UK Meds. You will need first to complete a quick online consultation questionnaire with a GMC registered doctor before your order can be supplied; if approved your prescription will be issued and you can continue with your order. The online consultation will ensure that Sumatriptan is the proper medication for your condition.

Sumatriptan Boots

At the time of writing, generic Sumatriptan is available at Boots but only in packs of 2 tablets. However, should you wish to purchase Sumatriptan at a better price, you can do so at UK Meds. Additionally, if you would like to purchase more than one lot of Sumatriptan tablets, you can benefit from further savings at UK Meds.

Yes, it is legal to purchase Sumatriptan online when shopping online with UK Meds. All of the medication we provide is 100% genuine and is dispensed by registered UK pharmacies. For prescription-only medications, you will need to complete our free online consultation form which is subject to a clinical review by a GMC registered doctor, to ensure that Sumatriptan is right for you.

Type of drugSelective serotonin receptor agonists
Health conditions prescribed forMigraines
Active IngredientsSumatriptan succinate
Brand namesImigran, Migraitan
Available strengths50mg, 100mg
Available astablet, nasal spray, injection
Possible side effectsNausea, dizziness, tiredness, and feeling hot or cold with a flushed face.
Patient Information LeafletFor more information on the medication please refer to the patient information leaflet for Sumatriptan.

Sumatriptan - Key Information

Sumatriptan is prescribed for acute migraine headaches in adults. It is not used to prevent migraine headaches and is not to be used for the relief of cluster headaches. It belongs to the group of medicines called triptan.

Many individuals find their headaches go away completely after taking this medication. Others find that their headaches are less painful, allowing them to be able to go back to their normal daily activities even though a migraine headache is not completely gone. Sumatriptan relieves other symptoms that occur together with a migraine headache, such as vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light or sound.

Sumatriptan is not an ordinary pain reliever. It will not relieve pain other than from migraine headaches. This medication is typically prescribed for people whose headaches are not relieved by aspirin, acetaminophen, and other pain relievers.

Video: A Guide to Sumatriptan

UK Meds have created a video guide to explain what Sumatriptan is. Watch it below:


What is Sumatriptan? @uk.meds #MedsTok #sumatriptan #migraine #migraines

♬ original sound - UK.Meds

Sumatriptan is a serotonin-1 receptor agonist which narrows the brain’s blood vessels providing relief from the swelling. It reduces the triggers which cause headaches, noise and light sensitivity, nausea and vomiting brought on by migraines. It is helpful in treating moderate to severe headaches.

The drug is effective in relieving migraine symptoms. It works best at the onset of headaches leading to migraines. It still works even if it was taken after the headache has started, but the relief might take a while before taking effect.

The main benefit of using sumatriptan is the relief it provides to an acute migraine headache. It is effective in reducing the substances in the body that triggers headache pain, sensitivity to noise or light, nausea, and vomiting.

For more information on the prescription medication patients should refer to the Sumatriptan patient information leaflet.

What experiences have Sumatriptan users had?

Each patient suffering from a migraine has a unique individual experience when taking a sumatriptan tablet as a treatment prescribed by their doctor.

Sumatriptan Reviews

Read first hand what other UK Meds customers think about Sumatriptan and it's impact on migraine patients lives on our customer reviews above. For further context there are also a large selection of Sumatriptan reviews describing what people think about their experiences with the medication available at and Web MD.

It is important to note that people may have different experiences when they use Sumatriptan tablets. If someone states that their medication did not work as they had hoped, it does not mean that it will not work for you. If you believe that Sumatriptan is the right medication for you then the best thing to do is to consult your doctor or healthcare professional, and judge the medication based on your own experiences if they recommend it as a treatment. The importance of a product review or user reviews should not be understated. Reading reviews and patient experiences can provide you with important advice and information that you may not have known, and can inform you on whether or not to start using Sumatriptan. Before starting a medication you should always consult with your healthcare provider first to ensure that it is safe and suitable for your individual needs.

Usage Advice

Sumatriptan Tablets

Take your first dose as soon as the pain starts. Do not take it at the warning stage (aura) before your migraine starts.

The NHS have provided some simple instructions to follow when taking Sumatriptan tablets:

  • Swallow the tablet whole with water – don’t chew or crush it.
  • If you find it hard to swallow, some Sumatriptan tablets can be broken in half. Check the packet's information leaflet to see if this is an option.
  • If your first tablet doesn’t work, don’t take another one for the same migraine attack.
  • If your migraine gets better but then returns, you can take another dose after 2 hours. Never take more than 300mg in a 24-hour period.

How long does Sumatriptan take to work?

Sumatriptan tablets usually start to work in 30 to 60 minutes.


Sumatriptan Dosage

The dose of sumatriptan will be different for different patients. The following are the usual doses of this medication (, 2023). If your dose is different, do not change it unless advised to do so by your doctor.

The amount of medicine that your doctor will ask you to take will depend on the strength of the medicine.

  • Initial dose: 25 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg taken once.
  • Second dose: If the first dose helps but you need more, you can take a second dose at least 2 hours after the first.
  • Effectiveness: 50 mg and 100 mg doses work better than 25 mg, but 100 mg may not be more effective than 50 mg.
  • Maximum dose: Do not take more than 200 mg in 24 hours.

Side Effects

What are the common side effects of Sumatriptan?

These side effects happen to more than 1 in 100 people. They are usually mild and don't last long. Some side effects are similar to migraine or cluster headache symptoms. Below we provide some simple tips that can help you to cope with them:

Common Side Effects of Sumatriptan tablets

Side EffectSimple Actions That Can Help
Feeling or Being Sick (Nausea or Vomiting)
  • These symptoms may be due to the migraine itself.
  • If you can eat, stick to simple meals and avoid rich or spicy foods.
  • If you're vomiting, take small sips of water frequently to avoid dehydration. Signs of dehydration include peeing less than usual or having dark, strong-smelling pee.
  • If you take the combined contraceptive pill or progestogen-only pill and you're vomiting, your contraception might not protect you from pregnancy. Check the pill packet for advice.
Feeling Dizzy, Unsteady, or Tired
  • If you feel dizzy, lie down to avoid fainting, then sit until you feel better.
  • Do not drive or use tools or machines if you feel dizzy, unsteady, or tired.
Feeling Hot or Cold, Face Turning Red
  • If this bothers you or doesn't go away, speak to your doctor.

Talk to your doctor if these tips don't help and the side effects bother you or last more than a few days.

Can Sumatriptan have any serious side effects?

Serious side effects are rare, but they can happen. Stop taking sumatriptan and contact a doctor urgently or call 111 if you experience any of the below:

  • Unusual feelings of tightness, tingling, heaviness, warmth or cold in your face, arms, legs, or chest
  • A serious allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)

These sensations usually don't last long. If they continue or become severe, seek medical help immediately.

As a precaution, your doctor may ask you to take the first dose of this medication in their office or clinic in order to observe you for any serious side effects.


What warnings does Sumatriptan come with?

Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you feel faint, drowsy, or tired after taking sumatriptan. Taking sumatriptan too often can sometimes make headaches worse. If this happens, talk to your doctor as soon as possible, as you may need to stop using it.

Sumatriptan Drug Interactions

Before starting sumatriptan, always tell your doctor about your medical history and any other medicines you are taking, as some can affect how well sumatriptan works.

Make sure to inform your doctor if you are taking:

  • Other migraine medicines like ergotamine, methysergide, or other triptans (don't use sumatriptan with these)
  • SSRI or SNRI antidepressants
  • MAOI antidepressants
  • St John's Wort herbal remedy

Can you take sumatriptan while pregnant?

Sumatriptan is not thought to be harmful during pregnancy, but there isn't enough research to be sure. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks. Other medicines might be more suitable for you during pregnancy.

Can I take sumatriptan while breastfeeding?

If your doctor or health visitor says your baby is healthy, it's OK to take sumatriptan while breastfeeding. Only tiny amounts of sumatriptan pass into breast milk, so it's very unlikely to harm your baby.

Sumatriptan FAQs

Can you take paracetamol with sumatriptan?

Yes, you can take paracetamol if your sumatriptan dose isn’t effective.

Can you take ibuprofen with sumatriptan?

You can give pain relief medicines like paracetamol or ibuprofen 30 to 60 minutes before sumatriptan to help manage symptoms (Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, 2015). However, always check with your doctor or pharmacist before giving your child any other medicines with sumatriptan.

Does sumatriptan prevent migraines?

No, sumatriptan is used once a migraine starts and should not be taken earlier. It doesn't prevent migraines and overuse may worsen them.

Does sumatriptan work for normal headaches?

No, sumatriptan is only for migraines. Regular painkillers like paracetamol are suitable for headaches.

Can I take sumatriptan with alcohol?

Technically, yes. However, sumatriptan can cause drowsiness or dizziness, so it's best to avoid alcohol as it may worsen these side effects.

Is sumatriptan a painkiller?

No, sumatriptan isn't a traditional painkiller, though it relieves migraines. You can use it alongside painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen for further relief.

What is the difference between sumatriptan and Imigran?

Imigran is the branded version, while sumatriptan is the generic version. Both contain the same active ingredient and work the same, but sumatriptan is usually cheaper.


Content author

Scott Weaver

Medical Content Writer • Bachelor of Arts Degree

Scott is an experienced, skilled content writer dedicated to creating helpful and accessible medical content for UK Meds.

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Medical Reviewer

Alexis Missick

General Practitioner (GP) • MBChB

With over a decade of experience in the NHS and six years internationally, Alexis is a seasoned General Practitioner hailing from Turks and Caicos.

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