    Updated at: August 22, 20247 min read

    How To Test Male Fertility

    Male fertility can be a taboo subject, despite the fact that it can lead to issues that mean people cannot naturally conceive a child. People may not wish to talk about the subject as they can feel emasculated, and some men may feel that talking about issues with their fertility can be a sign of weakness. This is not the case, and people should never feel that they are any less of a man if they struggle with their fertility. 

    Because people are not very open about talking about their fertility, some potentially noticeable issues that could have been addressed may be brought to light. When people talk about their fertility, amazing things can happen. For men that are concerned about their fertility, there are ways that you can check your levels, all from the comfort of your own home. In this article, we will cover the bases of male fertility tests, including how to use the fertility tests, how much male fertility tests costs, and what else you can do in order to help boost your fertility. 

    Key Takeaways

    Male Fertility Can Be Checked at Home:

    You can use easy, at-home tests like Babystart FertilCount to check your sperm count without needing to see a doctor. This helps you avoid uncomfortable conversations and gives you quick results.

    Low Sperm Count Is Manageable:

    If your test shows a low sperm count, it's not the end of the road. Simple lifestyle changes, like wearing looser underwear, improving your diet, and reducing alcohol intake, can help improve sperm count.

    Supplements Can Support Fertility:

    Taking supplements like FertilMan Plus can improve both your overall health and your fertility, helping to boost sperm quality and count.

    A man consulting his doctor about his fertility

    What do male fertility tests check?

    Unlike female fertility tests, male fertility tests are not as comprehensive, and only really cover one topic; sperm count. The most common male fertility issue is with sperm, be it a lack of production, low quality of sperm being produced, or an issue with sperm mobility.

    When a man ejaculates during sexual activity, he releases on average 100 million sperm cells. However, for a man that is suffering from a low sperm count, this number will be around the 15 million sperm per millimetre of semen mark. This number may seem high as it only takes one sperm cell to impregnate a woman, however, having a low sperm count greatly reduces your chances of conceiving a child.

    What are the signs of low sperm count in a man?

    It can be difficult for a man to check whether or not he has a low sperm count.

    • Perhaps the biggest indication that a man may need to take a test is if he and his partner are struggling to conceive.

    • The advice given by the NHS is to get yourself checked if you have been struggling to conceive a child after one year of continuous trying. To do this, you can contact your GP in order to book a test, or, to avoid any potentially embarrassing conversations, you can take a home test provided by Babystart. 

    How do I use male fertility tests?

    Babystart FertilCount male fertility tests are perfect for people that would like to learn about their sperm count, without having to face any uncomfortable conversations with their doctor. They are also very easy to use and can provide you with incredibly reliable results in a few moments, right from the comfort of your own home.

    Instructions for using a male fertility test

    To use a Babystart FertilCount test follow our instructions below:

    1. First you will need to collect a semen sample. The semen sample should be collected by masturbating directly into the plastic liquefaction cup provided.

    2. Once the semen sample is in the plastic cup, place the lid on the cup and gently swirl the contents at least 10 times around the cup. Then, wait at least 15 minutes (but not longer than 12 hours) before testing the sample. Just before testing, swirl the cup contents around several more times.

    3. Open the re-sealable pouch provided by tearing or cutting at the notches. Remove the contents and place a test cassette on a flat surface with the sample wells facing upwards.

    4. Swirl the plastic cup before removing the lid. Hold and squeeze the plastic dropper at its midpoint.

    5. Place the angled tip into the semen sample and release the pressure slowly. As you do this semen will be drawn into the dropper.

    6. By gently squeezing the dropper add ONE drop of semen to the test well ‘T’, and let the drop soak in for at least one minute.

    7. Add TWO drops of BLUE solution to the same test well ‘T’. Let the drops soak in for at least one minute.

    8. Add TWO drops of CLEAR solution to the test well ‘T’. Let the drops soak in for at least one minute.

    What do your male fertility test results mean?

    Once you have completed the test then you should then read your results. To read your results, you will need to understand what they mean. To get your results, compare the colour of the test well ‘T’ with the colour of the reference well ‘R’. 

    A positive male fertility test

    A positive result is indicated by the colour of the test well ‘T’ being the same or greater than the colour of the reference well ‘R’. This means that your sperm count is greater than or equal to 15 million per ml, indicating a healthy amount.

    A negative male fertility test

    If the colour of the test well is less than the colour of the reference well, this indicates a negative test result. A negative result means that there are less than 15 million sperm cells per ml, indicating a potentially low sperm count.

    What else can you do to help male fertility?

    A man working out in the gym

    Fortunately, having a low sperm count at the time of doing your test does not mean that you cannot change your fortunes.

    How can I improve sperm count naturally?

    Sperm count is flexible and can change based on other external factors. According to the NHS, these include:

    • Wearing loose-fitting underwear: Tight underwear can raise the temperature of your testicles, which may harm your sperm quality.

    • Losing weight if you're overweight.

    • Avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals at work, like pesticides, solvents, or certain heavy metals.

    • Stopping smoking if you smoke.

    • Drinking less alcohol: Stick to no more than 14 units a week, spread over 3 or more days.

    Additionally you can also try:

    • Improving your health, diet, exercise, and mental wellbeing (Create Fertility, 2024).

    • Frequent male masturbation doesn't have much impact on fertility. Research indicates that sperm quality may peak after 2-3 days without ejaculation, but men with normal sperm can still maintain good motility and concentration even with daily ejaculation. The key to boosting your chances of pregnancy is having regular sex several times a week, regardless of whether you masturbate (Patricio & Gargolla, 2023).

    There is a supplement, FertilMan Plus, provided by Babystart that men can take to not only improve their general health but also contain active ingredients that are proven to be linked to male fertility. 


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