    Updated at: August 22, 20245 min read

    What Are The Benefits Of Taking CoQ10?

    Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10 (pronounced Co-Queue-Ten) is an antioxidant enzyme that is produced naturally within the body. It is also present in many of the foods that we eat. CoQ10 is important as it protects cells, including egg cells, from oxidative stress and other forms of cell damage. However, as we get older, the body starts to produce less CoQ10. 

    For men and women who are hoping to conceive, it is important to ensure sperm and egg cells are of the best quality. Taking a CoQ10 supplement, such as Babystart FertilWoman Plus or Babystart FertilMan Plus, helps to support and nourish these important cells.

    Key Takeaways

    CoQ10 Supports Fertility:

    CoQ10 is a natural enzyme that helps protect egg and sperm cells from damage, improving their quality. This can increase the chances of conception, especially in women over 35.

    Boosts Egg and Sperm Health:

    CoQ10 supplements may improve egg quality in women and enhance sperm shape, movement, and concentration in men, making it easier to conceive.

    Aging Reduces CoQ10 Levels:

    As we age, our bodies produce less CoQ10, which can affect fertility. Taking CoQ10 supplements can help counteract this decline and support healthy conception for both men and women.

    The Importance of CoQ10

    CoQ10 is a fat soluble enzyme that is present in almost every cell in the body (Sood et al, 2024). It is found in the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell that are responsible for producing energy to ensure the cell functions correctly. 

    Each egg cell contains thousands of mitochondria, and these will later support the growth of an embryo following conception. Scientists are currently trying to understand how CoQ10 can aid fertility. One hypothesis is that nourishing the mitochondria improves an egg’s energy reserve for improved function.

    More research is underway, but as CoQ10 is found naturally within the body, taking it as a supplement pre-conception will not be harmful. 

    Could CoQ10 improve female fertility?

    CoQ10 supplements might help improve egg quality and increase pregnancy rates for women going through IVF. They could also boost ovarian response and pregnancy chances in women with a reduced ovarian reserve (Fertility Dietitian UK, 2023).

    Could CoQ10 improve male fertility?

    CoQ10 might help improve sperm shape, movement, and concentration. A study by Lucignani et al (2022), found that it can reduce sperm DNA damage.

    CoQ10 Reduces Oxidative Stress

    Oxidative stress is a process by which cells become damaged by free radicals. The presence of free radicals in the body may be increased by a high sugar or high fat diet, excess alcohol consumption, or exposure to cigarette smoke. Free radicals are also present in some cleaning products, pesticides, environmental pollution, and radiation. Oxidative stress also increases as we get older.

    Antioxidants such as CoQ10 mop up free radicals in the body, but when the balance between free radicals and antioxidants is upset, oxidative stress may occur. This can damage the DNA within cells including sperm and egg cells. Reducing the risk of cell damage by increasing antioxidants, including CoQ10, can help to reduce oxidative stress (Pala et al, 2018; Gutierrez-Mariscal et al, 2020; Sangsefidi et al, 2020), when you are hoping to conceive a baby. 

    What are good food sources of CoQ10?

    CoQ10 is produced naturally within the body. However, as we age, we may not produce the amount of CoQ10 our cells need to function at the highest standard. You can top up the amount of CoQ10 available to your cells by eating foods rich in this antioxidant (WebMD, 2023), including:

    • Oily fish

    • Meat including pork, beef and chicken, as well as some organ meats

    • Soya, lentils, and peanuts

    • Eggs

    • Oranges, strawberries, broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower 

    • Whole grains. 

    Vegetables that are rick in Coenzyme Q10

    Should all women take CoQ10?

    CoQ10 is suitable for men and women of all ages. However, women who are aged 35 or older are particularly encouraged to introduce a daily CoQ10 supplement to support healthy egg maturation and normal fertilisation.

    Supplements are a simple and effective way to ensure you have enough CoQ10 in your diet. The daily dose of Babystart FertilWoman Plus contains 100mg of CoQ10 to support efficient energy production within egg cells. This may support improvements in egg and embryo quality, promoting healthy foetal growth. 

    Should men take CoQ10?

    As CoQ10 is needed for energy in sperm cells as well as egg cells, it is advisable for male partners to also take a CoQ10 supplement when trying to conceive. The powerful antioxidant protects sperm against damage from free radicals, and supports the efficient energy reserves required for fertilisation to occur.

    Babystart FertilMan fertility supplement contains 5mg of CoQ10 per dose, while Babystart Fertilman Plus  contains 40mg per daily dose. Taking one of these supplements is therefore recommended when trying to conceive.

    Does naturally occurring CoQ10 reduce as we get older?

    Yes. As we get older, the natural production of CoQ10 declines and oxidative stress increases (Mayo Clinic, 2023). This reduction in energy potential and the increased risk of cell damage may correlate with reduced egg or sperm quality. 

    All men and women who are trying to conceive can benefit from CoQ10 supplementation, as it supports the health of both egg and sperm cells. Furthermore, adding a CoQ10 supplement is strongly recommended for women aged 35 or older who are hoping to conceive. 

    The Couple’s Starter Bundle from Babystart contains ‘His and Hers’ CoQ10-rich supplements, as well as fertility friendly lubricant for couples who are trying to conceive.

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